Rang movie name in english
Rang movie name in english

rang movie name in english

Because they are good in what the other is lacking, they are constantly helping each other in the sweetest, most wholesome ways. Nan Xi is incredibly smart and does super well in school but struggles deeply with socializing, and Xia Rui is amazing at socializing and struggles with her studies.

  • In the same vein, the relationship between Xia Rui and Nan Xi is absolutely amazing.
  • They only have eyes for each other through the entire show. I wish I had read this when I started watching, cause I have serious trauma from dramas where things go right between the main couple and then everything goes wrong, which NEVER HAPPENS HERE. There's a plot with another girl at first (not a villain, don't worry) who really likes Nan Xi, and he over and over flat out rejects her advances because he only likes Xia Rui, no one else. Even though they don't officially get together until they're in college, they are both obviously in love with each other and they are 100% loyal to the other.
  • The relationship between Xia Rui and Nan Xi, once they realize who the other is, is UNBREAKABLE.
  • When there's a misunderstanding, they talk things through pretty quickly and problems are solved very, very fast.
  • AMAZING communication: this ties to my previous point of lack of dumb misunderstandings- except for the second lead couple whose entire storyline revolves around the guy being clueless up until the end and the girl not confessing her feelings for him directly to clear it up.
  • Serious lack of heavy conflict and dumb misunderstandings that drag on forever: I think there are only two "real" moments of conflict in the entire show- one around the middle (if I remember correctly) and one in the final episodes, and they barely last an episode at best (maybe they split it in 2 episodes, but the actual conflict lasts for less than one).
  • Now, what I loved the most about this show: Their chemistry is palpable, which is probably why it's so easy to fully believe they are soulmates who are destined to be together and it absolutely should not go any other way. On the other hand, Wan Peng SHINES in this role as the bubbly, protective and fiercely loyal Xia Rui she is so incredibly easy to like that you immediately end up wishing you had her as a friend in your life.

    rang movie name in english

    But boy, was I in for a treat with this one.įiction Guo, who I knew from Accidentally In Love (I don't remember much about that show, though) is absolutely adorable as the shy, reserved Nan Xi, and something I really enjoyed is that his growth and him coming out of his shell is incredibly organic and feels very realistic he doesn't simply change one day and becomes more extroverted, his spirit remains the same throughout the entire show even if he grows and evolves as a person. To tell the truth, the reason why I gave this drama a chance is because I am a sucker for extroverted girl/shy boy stories, but even then it's not like my expectations were incredibly high. If what you're looking for is to feel happy and enjoy some fluffy, sweet romance- this is a must watch.

    rang movie name in english

    In general terms, Meeting You is about a girl who's incredibly bright and extroverted, and a very intelligent boy who has deep social anxiety- and the wonderful way in which they compliment each other and lift each other up in their own ways. First things first, thank you so much Carmon Sub for subtitling this show, you're the reason I was able to enjoy it in the first place! If you want something incredibly sweet and heartwarming with little conflict, THIS IS IT. Can they continue to enjoy a lifetime of happiness together, despite their being total opposites? Once strangers, now the best of friends, this unlikely pair has only drawn closer over the years, their friendship slowly blossoming into love. They existed in what seemed like two different worlds, where their paths were unlikely to cross. Surrounded by friends, she was often the center of attention, resulting in a school experience vastly different from Nan Xi’s. Xia Rui, an exuberant, talkative girl, is a true social butterfly. He wanted friends, but found that reaching out and connecting with others, was all too daunting. Often overwhelmed by life swirling around him, he would be forced to retreat into himself. Living with social anxiety, he struggled to find his place in a world that always felt too big.

    rang movie name in english

    Born smart, Nan Xi never struggled with academics in school, but his time there wasn’t easy.

    Rang movie name in english